Margaret Ludemann Realtor Serving The Glen in Glenview

Margaret Ludemann specializes in The Glen
Realtor Margaret Ludemann, Glen Homeowner is part of a team of real estate marketing and client support professionals representing buyers and sellers of luxury homes in The Glen. Margaret Ludemann is a top producing Realtor who focuses her real estate practice in Glenview and The Glen where she is a long time homeowner. By education, training, and professional experience she is uniquely prepared and qualified to market and sell high price-point homes and also to represent buyers of those homes.
Her university major in journalism carried a concentration in advertising, and she earned a minor in marketing. She then spent many years in corporate life – very unique among Realtors – working nearly two decades for Fortune 100 companies American Express (marketing) and The Walt Disney Company (sales). During her corporate career she added professional training in negotiation strategy and sales cycle management. As a real estate broker she has earned certifications as a Previews International Luxury Property Specialist, Accredited Staging Professional (ASP), and Certified Negotiation Specialist (CSN). She has won major awards from the North Shore’s real estate association (NSBAR) and @properties, where she is in the top 2% of agents worldwide. In short, Margaret is much like her clients…a highly educated, successful professional with strong skills, commercial acumen, and valuable experience acquired over many years in business at high levels.
Margaret believes that detailed Glen-specific information is the critical ingredient to successfully marketing and selling a Glen home or representing buyers…and that it is THE major factor in negotiating the best possible price and terms on behalf of her clients. Her goal is to always know more about the Glen and its individual neighborhoods than the realtor representing the other side of a transaction.
Margaret is an avid reader, traveler, singer, and baseball aficionado. Margaret is married and has a teen age son. Finally, she loves being a Realtor. And it shows.
*Statistics various sources available upon request