I’m turning over this week’s Glen blog to an article about Glenbrook South’s ranking as the best public high school in the country for extracurricular activities. That’s #1 out of 26,407. Imagine that!!! GBS is the high school serving The Glen and much of greater Glenview, Illinois. The Glen is an upscale residential and retail development in Glenview with over 1,000 luxury homes. I am a long time homeowner in The Glen, and an award winning Realtor. Plus, I am a proud parent of a GBS freshman! So, here is part of the article and a link to the full piece.
Margaret Ludemann, @properties, margaret.ludemann@gmail.com 847-401-1802
Niche, an organization that reviews K-12 public schools, recently ranked GBS number one of all public high schools in the nation when it comes to extracurricular activities, which includes clubs, organizations and athletic teams.
Niche.com publishes results for a variety of rankings of schools periodically throughout the year. Information is gathered to determine rankings by compiling data, which is collected and monitored by the U.S. Department of Education.
According to Jessica Hair, Niche’s marketing outreach coordinator, the data for ranking the best extracurricular activities come from reviews from students and parents in addition to school reports about items such as expenses per student, the number of sports and the percentage of female and male athletes.
“Right now [GBS has] the best extracurriculars in the nation; however, [GBS] also stands out across the board,” Hair said. “[GBS is] the number six [all-around] public school in Illinois, [and GBS is] the number 32 public school in America.”
This was written by Karina Benson, Yoon Kim, and Chaerim Park, and here is the link to the full article. You may have to copy/paste to get the article.
GBS named number one: Niche placed South as top school in nation for extracurricular activities