There are 1,255 privately owned homes in The Glen in Glenview, Illinois. I’m frequently asked questions about the Glen real estate market, and my answer often surprises people. I tell them that there is no Glen housing market. The fact is that there are ten real estate markets within the Glen development. Ten? Indeed, and here is what I mean.
The Glen is composed of ten neighborhoods built by several different developers. Each has its own unique characteristics. Different kinds of homes…such as single family homes, townhomes, row homes, duplexes, two-flats and condos. The homes are of vastly different sizes ranging from about 1200 to over 5,000 square feet. There is also great diversity in price points. They range from the mid-$300,000’s to well over $2 million. Because of these differences the demographics of Glen homeowners and prospective homeowners vary widely. Hence, ten unique Glen real estate markets.
The nine neighborhoods with completed homes (the 10th, Westgate, is currently under construction) are large…and small…and in between. By that I mean that, for example, Glen Shore has 31 homes while Cambridge has 244. Here is a list of the ten developments, along with the number of completed homes and home types in each.
Cambridge: 244 single family homes, townhomes, row homes, duplexes, and two-flats
Chapel Crossing: 167 single family homes
Glen Shore: 31 condo apartments
Landings: 143 single family homes
Patriot Commons: 68 completed townhomes and condo apartments; and more are under construction
Regency: 149 townhomes, attached villas (duplexes), and two single family homes
Southgate SFH: 237 single family homes
Southgate TH: 62 townhomes
Tower Crossing: 154 townhomes
The Westgate neighborhood will have 171 homes, a mix of single family, townhomes and row homes.
So you see, the great diversity of home types, sizes, and prices make The Glen an attractive choice for many different prospective buyers. If you are interested in living in The Glen, please contact me. I am an original Glen homeowner and a Realtor affiliated with @properties.
Margaret Ludemann 847-401-1802