Since I haven’t written about the Tower Crossing neighborhood in The Glen since February, I thought I would provide an update on pricing. Tower Crossing has 154 luxury townhomes ranging in size from 3031 sq ft to 4015 sq ft depending on model. Yes indeed, these are large homes! They reside in The Glen, the North Shore’s premier lifestyle community in Glenview Illinois. All homes are of brick construction, and they are 4 stories high. A particularly attractive benefit of living in Tower Crossing is that it borders Glen Town Center on 3 sides. GTC is The Glen’s main shopping and dining “main street”.
Like every housing development in the country, home prices rose rapidly between 2003 and 2006; then they dropped from 2007 until late 2012. Since then, they have recovered nicely.
2014 PRICES:
The price p/sq ft of the 3 non-distressed Tower Crossing homes that have sold in the first half of 2014 is $215.21. This was heavily influenced by an $850,000 sale, the highest price paid for a TC home in at least 6 years.
2013 PRICES:
The prices of the 8 homes that sold in the first half of 2013 averaged $195.78. Thus, Tower Crossing prices increased by 9.9% comparing the first halves of the two years.
In 2009 (during the heart of the real estate market collapse) Tower Crossing homes sold for an average of $179.43 p/sq ft. Thus prices have increased by 19.9% from 2009 to the first half of 2014.
Price appreciation in 2012 through 2014 has brought original homeowners back roughly to where they began in 2013. Most homeowners who bought in the 2005/06 timeframe still have some catching up to do on prices. Most who bought in 2009 through 2013 have realized a gain in the value of their homes.
If you would like to learn more about living in The Glen please call me at 847-401-1802 or send an email to I am a long time Glen homeowner and an award winning realtor affiliated with @properties.
Margaret Ludemann