Kids. Lots of them. Right here in The Glen!
In fact we have 1,336 children (ages birth through the 12th grade) in the 1,254 privately owned homes in this upscale residential and retail community in Glenview Illinois. As a long time Glen resident and as a Realtor who focuses heavily on The Glen, I know what a wonderful place this is for children. I have a 15 year old son who has grown up here, and he loves everything about it. Gallery Park, Lake Glenview, soccer fields, tennis courts, Kohl Children’s Museum, Arclight Movie Theater, and so much more.
We have eight developments with privately owned homes in The Glen, not counting Westgate which is under construction. Here is a breakdown of children in each:
Chapel Crossing: 167 homes 284 kids 1.7 kids p/home
Landings: 143 homes 236 kids 1.65 kids p/home
Southgate: 299 homes 413 kids 1.38 kids p/ home
Cambridge: 244 homes 234 kids 0.96 kids p/home
Regency: 148 homes 76 kids 0.51 kids p/home
Tower Crossing: 154 homes 73 kids 0.47 kids p/home
Patriot Commons: 68 homes 16 kids 0.24 kids p/home
Glen Shore: 31 homes 4 kids 0.13 kids p/home
Not surprisingly the developments with the most single family homes have the highest percentage of children p/home: Chapel Crossing and Landings. Southgate and Cambridge have a mix of single family homes and attached housing. On the other end of the spectrum, the developments with the most attached housing (mainly townhomes and condos) have the lowest percentage of children p/home: Tower Crossing, Regency, Patriot Commons and Glen Shore.
If you would like to know more about The Glen please give me a call.
Margaret Ludemann, Realtor, @properties